This page describes the projects where I have a key role, also omitting the small ones. Each project description is equipped with related publications and public talks.

Synchronization Primitives for Kotlin Coroutines

One of the most significant and inspiring projects I have been working on is a new synchronization and communication primitives for Kotlin Coroutines. In short, the project consists of two parts: (1) fast and scalable channels for enabling efficient communication between coroutines and (2) a set of synchronization fair primitives with efficient abortability support.

Fast and scalable buffered channels

Asynchronous programming has gained significant popularity over the last decade: support for this programming pattern is available in many popular languages via libraries and native language implementations, offering implicit synchronization through message passing. The key data structure enabling such communication is the rendezvous channel. Roughly, a rendezvous channel is a blocking queue of size zero, so both send(e) and receive() operations wait for each other, performing a rendezvous when they meet. To optimize the message passing pattern, channels are usually equipped with a fixed-size buffer, so send(e)-s do not suspend and put elements into the buffer until its capacity exceeds. This primitive is known as a buffered channel.

This project was started to revisit the implementation of both rendezvous and buffered channels, introducing a fast and scalable algorithm for these communication primitives and integrating them into the standard Kotlin Coroutines library. Comparing to the old Kotlin implementation, as well as against academic proposals, these new algorithms show a significant performance speedup, by up to 11.5x.

Related publications:

Related talks:

CQS: a formally-verified framework for fair synchronization

This project introduces a new framework for building synchronization primitives called the CancellableQueueSynchronizer (CQS). It enables efficient fair and abortable implementations of fundamental synchronization constructs such as mutexes, semaphores, barriers, count-down-latches, and blocking pools. The first contribution is algorithmic, as implementing both fairness and abortability efficiently at this level of generality is non-trivial. Importantly, all the resulting algorithms come with formal proofs in the Iris framework for Coq. These proofs are modular, so it is easy to prove correctness for new primitives implemented on top of CQS. Some of the primitives are going to be a part of the standard Kotlin Coroutines library, as well the CQS framework itself. Compared against Java’s AbstractQueuedSynchronizer, the only practical abstraction to provide similar semantics, CQS shows significant improvements across all benchmarks, of up to two orders of magnitude.

Related publications:

Related talks:

Concurrent Graph Algorithms

Parallel graph processing is a fundamental and well-studied topic in academia in both theoretical and practical aspects. However, some applications, such as social networks analysis and compilers, require these algorithms to be online, thus, concurrent. This project aims to build practically efficient concurrent algorithms for different aspects of graph processing, including using multi-queues as priority schedulers for some of the algorithms or online dynamic connectivity problems under edge insertion and deletions. Nowadays, most hardware platforms have several NUMA sockets, so it is essential to make all these algorithms NUMA-friendly.

Related publications:

Related talks:

Testing Concurrency on the JVM

When developing new concurrent algorithms and solutions in general, it is crucial to test them properly. The tools below help with that on the JVM.

Lincheck: a framework for testing concurrent data structures

Lincheck provides a simple and declarative way to write concurrent tests: instead of describing how to perform the test, the user specifies what to test by declaring all the operations to examine, along with the required correctness property. As a result, a typical concurrent test via Lincheck contains only about 15 lines of code and can test all data structures with the same interface, irrelevant of how these data structures are implemented. Given the operations and the contract declaration (linearizability is the default one), Lincheck (1) generates a set of random concurrent scenarios, (2) examines them using either stress-testing or bounded model checking, and (3) verifies that the results of each invocation satisfy the required correctness property, providing an easy-to-follow trace to reproduce the found error in the model checking mode – this significantly simplifies the bug investigation.

Lincheck is successfully integrated into several big projects, such as the standard Kotlin Coroutines library, and identified both new and previously-known bugs in popular concurrency libraries, such as a novel race in Java’s classic ConcurrentLinkedDeque and a non-trivial set of bugs in recently-proposed NVM data structures. I believe that Lincheck can significantly improve both the quality and the productivity of research and development of concurrent algorithms and become the state-of-the-art approach for checking their correctness on the JVM.

Related publications:

Related talks:

Dl-Check: a tool for finding potential deadlocks

Dl-Check determines potential deadlock as a lock hierarchy violation and finds them via dynamic analysis in Java programs. This tool is implemented as a Java agent and injects analysis code within class transformation during class loading, making it possible to use Dl-Check without code changes. The base algorithm for finding lock hierarchy violations is based on cycle detection in the lock-order graph’s cycle, leveraging incremental topological order maintenance for that.

Related publications:

Related talks:

Time-test: a library for testing time-based functionality

The time-test library helps to test time-dependent functionality via time virtualization. It is implemented as a Java agent and replaces all time-dependent method invocations with its implementations on the fly. Unlike other implementations, it works not with System.currentTimeMillis() and System.nanoTime() methods only, but with Object.wait(..), Thread.sleep(..), and Unsafe.park(..) as well. In addition, time-test has a special waitUntilThreadsAreFrozen(timeout) method, which waits until all threads have done their work.

Related blog posts:

Usages: a tool for finding code usages in Maven repositories

Usages tool finds code usages in the specified Maven repositories. It indexes the specified repositories, downloading all artifacts and scanning .class files in them. The tool analyzes all kinds of dependencies: usages of fields and methods, extensions of classes and interface implementations, method overrides, and many others. The Usages tool is separated into two parts: a server application, which collects all information and analyzes JVM classes, and a client implemented as an IntelliJ IDEA plugin.